Sunday, October 10, 2010

So Punk?

hellooo 1 follower :) i dearly love you and thank you for following me!
busy busy busy. school is hell, but i do it for the friends. everyone's story right?
anyways, so i've been hanging around my kind of.. Scene/Punk friends and I like how they dress.. however, is it fashiony?

I think theres a way to mix the two styles. I want to look.. rebellious and fashionable at the same time. But its a matter of what to spare and what to splurge.
Do you substitute the studded belt for the leather belt? the skinny jeans for the
slacks? the band tees for the vnecks and dress shirts? I'm still confused on this
dilema myself.

My temporary solution? I think we should look to accessories, and perfect pairing. Pair the band tee, tucked in with some slacks. Try the skinny jeans and studded belt
with a collared shirt. Its really all about the combinations! These thoughts have made me want to upload some more LookBook looks, so I think I will start uploading more of them soon.

Thanks for listening to my ideas ♥
Love all my readers & Stay tuned!