Friday, November 26, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
So Punk?
busy busy busy. school is hell, but i do it for the friends. everyone's story right?
anyways, so i've been hanging around my kind of.. Scene/Punk friends and I like how they dress.. however, is it fashiony?
I think theres a way to mix the two styles. I want to look.. rebellious and fashionable at the same time. But its a matter of what to spare and what to splurge.
Do you substitute the studded belt for the leather belt? the skinny jeans for the
slacks? the band tees for the vnecks and dress shirts? I'm still confused on this
dilema myself.
My temporary solution? I think we should look to accessories, and perfect pairing. Pair the band tee, tucked in with some slacks. Try the skinny jeans and studded belt
with a collared shirt. Its really all about the combinations! These thoughts have made me want to upload some more LookBook looks, so I think I will start uploading more of them soon.
Thanks for listening to my ideas ♥
Love all my readers & Stay tuned!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Black never left [LOOKBOOK]
This look was made for the Gap "Back In Black" Contest to show that Black Jeans are back, but infact I dont think they ever left.
Thanks for the Support! Love you guys <3
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
waiting for you to stroll on by; [LOOKBOOK]
Posted my first look onto lookbook, hope you guys check it out! This look was very simple and was convenient for the hot day since it was probably 89 degrees and I was walking to the movies with friends. One of my best friends Sara Ali took the photo on her phone, it turned out amazing! Thank you for all your support. Love You guys ♥ ♥
Thursday, September 23, 2010
DIY cutoff jeans
Anyway, back to todays subject, DIY Cut off jeans! (Do it Yourself)
Recently I was reading Adam Gallagher's blog and I saw his lookbook look,
Hang with me -Adam G.
And I noticed his wonderful shorts he's wearing, and to my amazement, They were DIY! So after reading this I immediately searched the web for tutorials on how to do this. After combining many techniques from different tutorials, I give you my Final product!
I chose to use a quite old pair of Baggy Beige Levi that went past my feet. After about 3 hours total, researching and work, This is the outcome. I think they turned out MUCH better than I expected, and I'm truly in love with them. Ive worn them and gotten many compliments so I DO RECCOMEND trying this at home! Just be careful with the bleach ;)
These shorts are a great addition to any summer look, or simply if the weather is getting too hot to handle. Its an older trend for the guys, but making a female pair of them applies the same concept, just cutting more fabric off and shortening the length. For women these have seem to have been in style for a long time. They're casual, comfortable, and they can be cheap and made by you which is the greatest part in this economy! I am seriously out of money at the moment and you can definitely count on simple projects like this for new additions to wear.
Next thing to try? DIY Triangle Tee shirt!
Thanks For Reading;
Stay Unique
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
fashion fear
This may not be exactlyy what it sounds like; we're not afraid of fashion, its more of the situation, we're scared of the judgment. Since we're just freshmen its hard to be bold without getting ridiculed. But today, I think finally we should just say screw the haters, and do what we want, and dress how we like.
"Rock it how you like it & if you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission."
This quote to me, is amazing. We shouldn't give a F**k what people think about us. Especially for something like fashion. It is a way to express ourselves and our feelings, and really break apart from the crowd and let your individuality shine. Don't let others "standards" hold you back from what you want to wear and be. You are in control of yourself and you should wear what ever you want and rock it. We need to stop living in fear, fear of what people may think; what they may say about us; because : Who really cares? Sure some people might think youre weird, odd and strange, but since when have any of those things been bad?
If the world was filled with normal people, what kinda world would we be living in? I cannot fathom a thought such as that. We are who we are, clothing and all. So let's be weird. Let's be different. Let's be strange. Let's be fashionable, let the haters hate. What matters in the end is if we are happy ourselves. Never be afraid of fashion. It's a part of who you are.
I wanted to dedicate this post to my dear friend Sara.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
boots & highschool :/
Back on topic,
Boots! I NEVER thought I'd end up posting a blog post about boots. To be honest I've despised boots for most of my life, but like they say, wisdom comes with age? Ive noticed they can be worn with practically anything and with the right pair, you can match it with most styles :)
Ive been noticing Dr Marten's recently and their wide array of styles, the exotic patterns. Since shoes are an accessory that you usually want to stand out, or subtly look bold, you might want them to be a little exotic, or vice versa, a simple pair of shoes can tie a look together. Here's an example of a stellar use of exotic but subtle pattern that works perfectly
Rachel Marie I.
In her look the boots add variation and draw the eye from the rest of her look, The color doesn't match perfectly but that's a good thing because they bring out the boots more and really make the whole outfit blend perfectly.
But like I said a previously, boots can also be a subtle but stand out part of your look, for example
Notice how the boots again don't perfectly match, but blend nicely. They are however more subtle than the ones used in Rachel's look. His look is sort of dark, and feel surreal. I think the dark ox blood boots work well for what he was going for and again add some color and variety.
Another Short Entry but this one did take quite a bit longer to write haha
Thank you for reading whoever you are! Stay unique~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
its humid outside; & plaid shorts.
Anyways. PLAID SHORTS! Like them? Love them? Hate them? I think its all about what kind of plaid. To my attention this trend started arising around Summer 09, possibly Summer 08; mostly amung men, but female's got their fair share aswell. I was totally into it at first, "Oh yay plaid on my pants" but now I think im over it, but like I said, its about the kind of plaid.
Kaylah H. via LookBook
She pulls off the plaid shorts very well, considering the newer trends are all about vintage and and patterns, with intricate details. While shorts with large squared plaid were in style at popular skating store brands n such, its more of the intricate plaid you want, to pull together looks and make the eye look closer.
Here I sit in my Horrid Plaid shirts, reporting another short post for today!
And for all you Fashion lovers, just remember, keep you're clothes now, you'll be able to wear them when you're elderly ;D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
tyler'sobsession: Rolled or cuffed Pants and Jeans
Hmm. Starting a new blog on Fashion Insight, and just finding ways to look amazing and appreciate those creative people; But why blogspot? Well I asked all my friends on facebook for a good blogging site, and they all reccomended Tumblr! When I tried that out, it wasn't very practical for my blogging needs. So we’ll give this a shot.
Anyways for my first post;
Rolled jeans?
Yeah a pretty simple start, but a rising trend. I for one was against it at first, thinking it was merely a silly trend that’d die down, but it has risen quite a bit!
I wasn’t sure at first whether to do a messy roll or a tight crisp looking fold, in my opinion the after product of the crisp rolled jeans looked much cleaner and flattering, and shows off your ankles, which is good for sock-less shoes
(Vivian D. via LookBook)
Its a little more of a preppy look rather than punk or messy, but Looks classy none the less.
You can roll at different lengths though considering the weather. I rolled my Gray Levi Skinny 511’s right above the calf for a hot day, and its definitely an alternative to wearing shorts!
This is will be all I’m discussing Today, Thank you for Reading!
~Tyler’s ObsessioN